# Vue Data-Binding

# Reactivity

Vue is reactive. The instance’s data is linked to every place that data is being referenced.

HTML will be updated to display new values any time that referenced data changes.

# Expressions {{}}

also called Interpolation Syntax

<h1>{{ product }}</h1>

-> bound to data-object "product"

Inside the double curly braces JavaScript expressions are used

# Other ways to use expressions

{{ product + '?'}}
{{ firstName + ' ' + lastName}}
{{ message.split('').reverse().join('') }}

or call a method, that is defined under methods:

{{ myMethod() }}

you can use ternary expression, but no complex code eg. if-statements

# Attribute Binding

{{}} is only availyble between html-tags -> to output content. to dynamically change attributes use the v-bind-directive

# v-bind-directive

<img v-bind:src="image-path" >

# shorthand :

<img :src="image-path" >
<a :href="url">Best Website ever</a>
<img :src="book.img" :alt="book.title">

Dynamically bind an attribute to an expression.

In this case, the attribute is src and the expression is whatever is in that attribute’s quotes: "image"

Imagine it looking like this: v-bind:src="".

There are many different HTML attributes, so there are many use cases for v-bind. For example:

  • binding a description to an alt attribute

  • binding a URL to an href

  • binding some dynamic styles to a class or style attribute,

  • disabling and enabling a button

  • etc...

# v-html-directive


<p v-html="myHtmlData"></p>

careful: can introduce security issues!