# Why Use Nuxt.js?

  • How do I combine and configure all my JavaScript & Vue libraries to work together effectively?
  • How do I structure my application code using best practices?
  • How do I make sure my application is properly indexed by search engines?
  • How do I optimize my Vue application for speed?

# Problems Nuxt is sloving

  1. Easy Pjoject Setup Nuxt comes preconfigured with Vuex, Vue Router, and Vue-Meta, sets the project up with intelligent defaults based on best practices

  2. Standard Folder-Structure

    pages directory for your Application views and routes.

    layouts directory for your layout templates.

    store directory for your Vuex store files.

    -> moving from one Nuxt application to another is super simple.

  3. Routing

    Nuxt automatically generates router configuration. Just place your single file Vue components into the pages folder

  4. No standard way to configure things all together

  5. SEO friendly

  6. Speed

  7. Easy to change behaviour